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E Melanie Lever

I'm passionate about creating. Whether I'm writing and editing content or designing a jewellery piece, I'm creating an experience for someone...sharing an idea. 


I always knew I was creative, but for a long time I thought it was important to be a specialist and to focus on one aspect of my creativity. Fortunately for me, I also love learning and sharing what I know, which is how I became a design, arts, journalism, arts major and went on to carve out a career as a book editor, writer, communications advisor, web communications manager, web manager, marketing consultant, web designer and a bunch of other titles.


These days I realise that I can be both a serious and practical communications consultant, negotiating client needs and project deadlines, and a whimsical watercolour artist in the same day. I can create miniature sculptures, draw cartoons and caricatures of people and develop style guides and marketing strategies for new policies all in one week.


I can put the same kind of enthusiasm into designing and maintaining a website that I do in creating a piece of jewellery for a client. And I can do that because I love to create and share.

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